
Ashura: A Day of Deep Significance in Islam

General Knowledge  •  28 Jul, 2023  •  1,861 Views  •  ⭐ 5.0

Written by Anand Swami

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Ashura observed on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar, is a day of profound significance for Muslims worldwide. For some, it's a day of fasting and reflection, while for others, it's a solemn commemoration of sacrifice and martyrdom. As we delve into this sacred day, let's explore its multifaceted dimensions through seven key aspects.


Historical Roots of Ashura

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Before Islam's advent, the day was already acknowledged in the Arabian Peninsula. The Quraysh tribe in Mecca, of which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a member, viewed Ashura as a day of atonement. The Prophet continued the tradition of fasting on this day after receiving divine revelations.

Moses, Pharaoh, and the Miraculous Escape

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For Sunni Muslims, Ashura commemorates the divine intervention when the Red Sea parted, saving Moses and the Israelites from Pharaoh's onslaught. Though recognized in both Islamic and Judeo-Christian traditions, the narratives may slightly differ, yet converge on the essential miracle of the event.



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The Tragedy of Karbala

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Central to the Shia interpretation of Ashura is the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE. On this fateful day, Imam Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), stood valiantly against the oppressive regime of Caliph Yazid I but was ultimately martyred along with many of his family members. This heart-rending event forever etched Ashura in the collective memory of Shia Muslims.

Ashura as a Day of Mourning

Image Credits: Middle East Eye

For Shia Muslims, Ashura isn't just another day; it's a profound period of mourning. Through rituals like reciting elegies, participating in passion plays (ta'zieh), and making pilgrimages to Karbala, they remember and honour the sacrifices made by Imam Hussain and his supporters.

Fasting and Spiritual Introspection

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For Sunni Muslims, Ashura is often observed by fasting, a practice initiated by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He recommended fasting on the 9th and 10th of Muharram, not just for the events of Karbala but also in reverence for the salvation of Moses. Fasting serves as a form of reflection and spiritual cleansing.


Global Variations in Commemoration

Image Credits: Middle East Eye

The observance of Ashura varies considerably depending on the region and culture. In some places, it’s a public holiday, while in others, it’s a personal day of reflection. For example, in the Indian subcontinent, large processions and recitations of the tragic events of Karbala are common. In contrast, in many Arab countries, it's more introspective, with an emphasis on fasting and prayer.

Themes of Justice and Resistance

Image Credits: Tehran Times

Beyond the historical events, Ashura embodies themes of justice, resistance against oppression, and the enduring human spirit. Imam Hussain's stand against tyranny offers timeless lessons about the importance of upholding one's principles, even in the face of insurmountable challenges. This message resonates deeply, not just with Muslims, but with people of all faiths and backgrounds.


Ashura serves as a poignant reminder of the rich tapestry of Islamic history and spirituality. Whether it’s the deliverance of Moses or the undying legacy of Imam Hussain, this sacred day invites Muslims and even those outside the faith to pause, reflect, and draw inspiration from the annals of time.



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