
7 Things to Know about World Hepatitis Day

General Knowledge  •  28 Jul, 2023  •  1,125 Views  •  ⭐ 5.0

Written by Anand Swami

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World Hepatitis Day, celebrated every 28th of July, is not just another date on the health calendar. It embodies global efforts to combat one of the most severe health challenges our world faces today: viral hepatitis. This day is a confluence of awareness campaigns, policy changes, and community efforts, all striving for a world free from the clutches of the hepatitis virus.


Whether you're someone affected by the disease, a health professional, or just a concerned global citizen, understanding the significance of World Hepatitis Day can empower you to make a difference. From its history to the various initiatives launched worldwide, here's a concise article detailing everything you need to know about World Hepatitis Day.

The Historical Roots: Why July 28th?

Image Credits: Hepatitis B Foundation

The date for World Hepatitis Day was not randomly selected. It marks the birthday of Dr Baruch Blumberg, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who discovered the hepatitis B virus. By recognizing this day, we also honour his invaluable contribution to medicine.



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Understanding the Enemy: The Many Faces of Hepatitis

Image Credits: Ask Apollo

Hepatitis isn't just one disease; it's a group of five distinct viruses - A, B, C, D, and E. While hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water, B, C, and D usually occur due to contact with infected bodily fluids. It's crucial to understand the different transmission routes to prevent and combat each type effectively.

A Global Health Threat: The Alarming Numbers

Image Credits: Metropolis Healthcare

Hepatitis is more than just a health issue; it's a global crisis. With 1.34 million deaths annually, the disease's mortality rate is comparable to major killers like HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis. The vast majority of these deaths are due to complications from hepatitis B and C, which can lead to liver cancer and cirrhosis.

Bringing It to the Limelight: WHO's Involvement

Image Credits: USA Today

The World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized World Hepatitis Day in 2010. Since then, it has played a pivotal role in spearheading initiatives, setting ambitious targets, and rallying nations to commit resources and policies towards hepatitis control.


The Power of Themes: Tailoring Messages to the Times

Image Credits: WHO

Every year, World Hepatitis Day adopts a theme to centralize its focus and messaging. For instance, the 2020 theme, "Hepatitis-free future," emphasized the prevention of hepatitis B among mothers and newborns. Such themes are instrumental in highlighting specific issues and rallying collective action around them.

Collective Ambitions: The 2030 Elimination Goal

Image Credits: Empuls

The WHO has set a daring goal: to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. This involves a 90% reduction in new infections and a 65% reduction in mortality. While ambitious, with the right policies, funding, and community involvement, this target is achievable.

Local Initiatives Making a Global Difference

Image Credits: India TV News

Across the globe, local communities, non-profits, and governments launch initiatives around World Hepatitis Day. These can range from awareness campaigns in schools to free screening clinics in underserved communities. Each local effort plays a critical role in the global fight against hepatitis.



World Hepatitis Day is more than just a day of awareness; it's a call to action. Whether you're participating in a local initiative, spreading the word on social media, or simply educating yourself, every effort counts. Together, by understanding the significance and history of this day, and by committing to ongoing efforts, we can march towards a world where hepatitis is a thing of the past.


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