
Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights & Dedication

General Knowledge  •  19 Dec, 2023  •  48,852 Views  •  ⭐ 3.0

Written by Shivani Chourasia

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Hanukkah, also referred to as Ḥanukka, Chanukah, or the Festival of Lights, is a pivotal Jewish holiday commencing on the 25th day of Kislev, usually aligning with December in the Gregorian calendar, and celebrated over eight days. This festival is a profound reassertion of Jewish faith and values, principally honouring the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. The ritualistic lighting of candles marks each day. Despite its absence in Hebrew Scriptures, Hanukkah has evolved into a widely celebrated and deeply cherished observance in Jewish tradition.


Historical Context of Hanukkah

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The festival of Hanukkah memorializes the victories of the Maccabean (Hasmonean) forces over the armies of Seleucid monarch Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164 BCE) and the consequent rededication of the Temple on Kislev 25, 164 BCE. The narrative, as told in I Maccabees, part of the Apocrypha, paints a vivid picture of Antiochus IV's invasion of Judaea, his efforts to impose Hellenistic customs on the Jewish people, and the desecration of the Second Temple. The Maccabees, led by Mattathias and his son Judas Maccabeus, stood out as the first Jews to fight for their religious convictions. Following their victory, Judas Maccabeus orchestrated the cleansing and rededication of the Temple, establishing an annual eight-day celebration of this event.

The Menorah and the Miracle of Oil

The Miracle of the Oil at Hanukkah and How Many Branches Does a Menorah  Have? -

Central to Hanukkah is the tradition of lighting the menorah, stemming from a miraculous event recorded in the Talmud (Shabbat 21b). According to the narrative, Judas Maccabeus found a small jar of oil in the Temple, just enough to last a day. Miraculously, this oil continued to burn for eight days. This event laid the foundation for the eight-day duration of Hanukkah. The debate between 1st-century scholars Hillel and Shammai regarding the procedure for lighting the menorah underscores the tradition's ancient origins.



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Traditions and Practices of Hanukkah

7 Hanukkah Traditions to Celebrate the Holiday in 2023 - PureWow
Image Credits: NPR

At the heart of Hanukkah celebrations is the lighting of the menorah each night. The menorah, with its eight branches plus a spot for the shammash candle, is progressively lit, with an additional candle illuminated each night. The menorah, initially placed outside homes, is now lit indoors, and blessings are recited during the lighting. The Hanukkah observance includes several liturgical practices, such as daily Scripture readings, Psalm recitations, and the singing of specific hymns. Almsgiving is customary, and prayers, including the ʿal ha-nissim, are recited daily.

Alongside these religious observances, Hanukkah is celebrated with various secular traditions. Festive meals, songs, and games are commonplace. Foods fried in oil, such as latkes and sufganiyot, are enjoyed in remembrance of the oil miracle. Children are given presents, including Hanukkah gelt, often chocolate coins. The dreidel game is a popular children's activity, symbolizing the miracle of Hanukkah.

Observance of Hanukkah in Israel

December Holiday Celebrations in Israel - Tourist Israel
Image Credits: Tourist Israel

In Israel, Hanukkah is more than just a religious observance; it is a vibrant national celebration deeply interwoven with the country's cultural and historical identity. The festival is marked by a series of unique traditions and customs that reflect both the historical significance and the contemporary spirit of the holiday.


School Celebrations and Cultural Activities

What is Hanukkah? The Jewish festival of lights explained | Middle East Eye
Image Credits: Middle East Eye

During Hanukkah, schools across Israel close, creating an atmosphere of festivity and joy among students. This break from academic routines allows for a focus on cultural and historical education related to the festival. Schoolchildren participate in a variety of activities, including staging plays, singing holiday songs, and engaging in arts and crafts related to Hanukkah themes. These activities not only entertain but also serve as an important means of imparting knowledge about the festival's historical background and religious significance.

Public Menorahs and State Recognition

This year's Hanukkah celebrations are tempered by Israel's war with Hamas :  NPR
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One of the most prominent features of Hanukkah in Israel is the public display of menorahs. Significant buildings, including the Israeli parliament (the Knesset), are adorned with large, beautifully lit menorahs. These public displays are not merely decorative; they symbolize the nation's acknowledgement and celebration of its ancient heritage. The menorahs serve as a reminder of the historical Maccabean victory and the miracle of the Temple's rededication, fostering a sense of historical continuity and national pride.

The Torch Relay from Modi'in to Jerusalem

File:Gadna torch relay in Modi'in (997009857441605171.jpg - Wikimedia  Commons
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons

A highlight of Hanukkah in Israel is the annual torch relay, which begins in Modi'in, the ancient home of the Maccabees, and concludes in Jerusalem. This relay is not only a symbol of the Maccabees' journey and struggle but also a modern representation of the connection between past and present. Torchbearers pass through various towns and villages, culminating their journey at the Western Wall, the last remaining part of the Second Temple. The final torchbearer hands the flame to the chief rabbi, who uses it to light the first candle of a grand menorah, in a ceremony that attracts thousands of spectators and is often broadcast nationwide. This event is a powerful expression of national unity and reverence for the historical events commemorated during Hanukkah.


Hanukkah Foods and Street Festivities

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Image Credits: Eat This Not That

The streets of Israeli cities and towns come alive during Hanukkah with festive foods and public celebrations. Traditional foods like sufganiyot (jelly-filled doughnuts) and latkes (potato pancakes) are enjoyed, with bakeries and food stalls offering a variety of these treats. The significance of oil in these foods harks back to the miracle of the Temple's oil. Additionally, open-air concerts, street parties, and communal gatherings are common, with people of all ages coming together to celebrate.

Educational and Religious Aspects

Hanukkah: The Jewish festival of lights — The Indian Panorama
Image Credits: The Indian Panorama

In addition to the festivities, Hanukkah in Israel is a time for reflection and education. Synagogues and community centres organize special programs and lectures about the historical and religious aspects of Hanukkah. These events offer insights into the festival's significance, enhancing the spiritual experience of the holiday.

Influence of Modern Israeli Society

What to know about Hanukkah and how it's celebrated around the world
Image Credits: Religion News Service

Modern Israeli society has also left its mark on Hanukkah celebrations. In a country known for its technological advancements and innovation, contemporary interpretations and practices are intertwined with traditional observances. This blend of old and new reflects the dynamic nature of Israeli society and its ability to respect tradition while embracing modernity.


Hanukkah transcends its historical roots, becoming a symbol of the resilience of the Jewish people. It's a time when families come together, traditions are passed down through generations, and the importance of faith and perseverance is underscored. The lighting of the menorah, with each candle signifying the triumph of light over darkness, serves as a powerful metaphor for the struggles and victories throughout Jewish history. Whether celebrated in the cosy warmth of a family home or as a community in public spaces, Hanukkah's universal themes of freedom, light, and dedication continue to illuminate hearts and guide the spirit of humanity.


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