On July 16th, 2023, Kevin Mitnick, the face of hacking in the mid-1990s, passed away at 59. Often depicted as an obsessive, clever, and mischievous hacker, he later transformed his image, becoming a trusted authority in the realm of cybersecurity. This blog honours Mitnick, charting his transformation from a famed hacker to a respected security advisor.
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10 Facts about World's Famous Hacker Kevin Mitnick
Famous Personalities • 21 Jul, 2023 • 1,987 Views • ⭐ 5.0
Written by Anand Swami

Dawn of a Hacking Era

During the infancy of widespread internet use, Mitnick became synonymous with computer hacking. He was a fugitive for over two years, eluding authorities after accessing 20,000 credit card numbers and causing significant damage to corporate computer infrastructures.
Mitnick's Motives: A Game of Chess

Although accused of causing millions in damages, Mitnick never sought financial gain from his cyber-exploits. He likened his actions to a chess game, emphasizing the thrill of the challenge over material rewards.
Evasion Tactics: Cat and Mouse with the F.B.I.

Mitnick's skillset wasn't limited to computers. He showcased a masterful understanding of telecommunications, manipulating phone systems to wiretap FBI agents on his trail and often staying one step ahead. His audacity peaked when he left a box of doughnuts for authorities as they closed in on a supposed location.
The Duel on the Net

A game-changing moment occurred on Christmas Day in 1994 when Mitnick taunted fellow hacker, Tsutomu Shimomura, by stealing his emails. This instigated a digital duel, leading to Shimomura's instrumental role in Mitnick's eventual capture.